Stakeholders Advisory Group – a look at USER-CHI products
Market uptake, exploitation plans, replication and scale-up of USER-CHI solutions were on the agenda of the 2nd Stakeholders Advisory Group meeting held in Brussels on 20 March 2023.
The purpose of the meeting was to get external input and feedback on USER-CHI products from outside of the project bubble, engage discussions on the e-mobility market and assess the relevance of the solutions developed by the partners of the project. The focus was on USER-CHI hardware & software products and their market uptake.

Stakeholders from the e-mobility system joined and discussed the features and added value of USER-CHI products (CLICK, INCAR & SMAC, INDUCAR and INSOC) with the product leaders. They offered feedback on the benefit they saw for market uptake, on how to reach end-users, on similar existing initiatives, on features that should be added to the solutions developed as well as limits and challenges of each product. It was of great value for the product leaders and provided some leads on how to use evidence from the project to feed current policy discussions on charging infrastructure and e-mobility.
Who is part of the Stakeholders Advisory Group?
AVERE, BEUC, ChargePoint, EVBox; Eurelectric, CHAdeMo, GreenWay, RAP.

What’s next?
The comments and feedback from the stakeholders will be integrated, when possible, in the tools. Great opportunities for further cooperation were also identified during the meeting and will lead to publications and other workshops to discuss policy recommendations.
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