Our future is charging

Our future is charging

Our future is charging The post-COVID 19 mobility future is one where the e-mobility transition is central, and this transition goes hand in hand with the development of recharging infrastructure where the user is at the centre. USER-CHI, does exactly this, for...
The USER-CHI journey has started!

The USER-CHI journey has started!

The USER-CHI journey has started! Cities, housing companies, research and standardisation associations, industry partners and city networks will work together for the next four years to unlock the EU electromobility potential. This will happen in USER-CHI, one of the...
USER-CHI goes online!

USER-CHI goes online!

USER-CHI goes online! We are very excited to announce the launch of the USER-CHI brand new website: visit us at www.userchi.eu ! With this website we want to offer a window into the USER-CHI latest activities and bring you along our USER-CHI journey across Europe. Our...
